Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The American people are really tired of Congress acting like a bunch of sociopaths.

Congress should start working for ALL of the American people, not just the richest ones and the ones
most full of hate and greed.

The American media is SO skewed towards the liberals that it doesn't know how to be biased. Shame on the democrats for not standing up to repel Obamacare when they have admitted to the press that it is not a good program. Kudo's to the congressman who have stood up and said NO to obamacare.

Yes it is unfortunate that it is affecting the budget but it is way past time that we stand up to the liberals and the liberal media and tell them enough is enough !!!! The MAJORITY of the coverage in the US is skewed and always blames the conservatives while they heap praise on the liberals. It is very tiresome.

FOX News first, so I can be done with it sooner - they're not even using the word "shutdown" anymore. They've branded this a "slimdown". It's "not really a shutdown". The word "slimdown" is all over the page. looks a little more reasonable, but it's also loaded down with the same talking points as usual. Beating the horses, if you will.

CNN's top story is how one taxpayer is demanding a refund on his taxes due to the shutdown. Seriously.

"Journalists have been suckered into embracing 'balance' and 'neutrality' at all costs." Another way of saying this is that journalists have been suckered into believing that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Oftentimes, truth favors one side of a situation, political or otherwise.